Världens bästa farfar <3

Min kära underbara farfar är antagligen inne på sina sista timmar. Sorgligt för oss som älskar honom högt.
Men förhoppningsvis en lättnad för honom som inte varit sig själv på länge.
Jag älskar dig min fina bästa farfar

Just nice

Honey I´m home...

So tired, work went well but time went slooow. Finally home getting hugs from my sweetheart. Haha I wish, he is watching tv and have barely noticed me walking through the door. Thats life, now I´m hungry. What to eat?
Thinking about fish, I want fish, I will eat fish!!


Thank you Kirsi for those compliments, i´m glad I have at least one reader! I really like you to start your own blog somday, would read it everyday i promise. Miss you and Sebbe very much all the time, hope to see you soon!

/With love A

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